Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Most Awesome Uniforms EVER!

My question is, will they actually get to wear those wings in the game? Are the wings like swords to stab would-be tacklers? Can they fly?

Luke, I am your father.
These uni's look like they're about $1 million per copy. They're like Oregon't finest china. Do we really want to smash-bang with the Badgers and scratch that gloss finish on the helmets?

With wings on the sides, they slid the 'O' to the back of the helmet.
As for those Badgers, they're supplier -- Adidas -- is unveiling a new Rose Bowl uniform for Wisconsin. And if you go to this website: http://wisconsinrose.com/ , you'll see a countdown clock to when the BIG REVEAL of these fancy uni's will be. It's scheduled for about two days, TOO LATE!
For one thing, an online jersey shop is apparently already selling them, and I've got the pics right here.
Adidas' and Wisconsin's weak attempt
to keep up with Oregon and Nike.

Notice the lovely rose petaling in the numbers.

 Secondly, in comparison to Nike's unveiling, timing, and overall look, Adidas is already knocked out of the ballpark.
This link to goducks.com tells the story.

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