Friday, September 4, 2009

Smashmouth Football?

[NOTE: If this video becomes no longer available because of "ESPN copyright", just hit the YouTube icon in the lower corner and type in 'LaGarrette Blount', there will be about five more until ESPN shuts them down.]

[I have a transcript of what the BS player said.

"Hey Mr. Blount, great game. I was wondering if you could autograph my copy of S.I. It's in my locker, I'll go get it."


"Oh on second thought I think I'll just lie down right here . . . . . "

OK it's not funny. Well, it kind of is in slo mo . . . . NO IT'S NOT. The loss was humiliating enough. But to act like a four year-old afterward makes it worse.

You can forget about a loss by the following week. But this image of Blount getting all Mike Tyson on national TV is already viral and will stay in people's minds for years.

What images come to mind when I say Florida State, Miami, Florida International, Ron Artest, Kermit Washington, (I already mentioned Tyson)? Those are all ancient history.

Five or even ten years from now, I'll be standing in the checkout line on any given day at Safeway wearing my Duck shirt, shoes and feather wig like I often do -- you know, comfy clothes. And someone behind me will harsh my mellow and feel the need to say, "I hate the Ducks. They play dirty."

"Why do you say that?" I'll ask, pretending to care.

"Ah that Blount fellow assaulting that defenseless Boise State kid blah blah blah . . . "

"That was years ago," I'll say. But it doesn't matter, because those kind of things stick in people's minds. And I'll be forced to set down my Cheetos and tropical punch soda and smack the guy in the face for talking ill of my team. Because that's what we Ducks do.

So here we are, not talking about the game. It'll take awhile to pull apart this train wreck anyway. The coaches, the play calling, the execution -- there was no single factor.

One thing is for sure, Boise State (I'll stop calling them BS. They earned it.) can feel good winning what they called their biggest game ever on the blue turf. The good news is this win was their first at home against a ranked BCS eligible opponent. The bad news -- it could be their last. If you are the athletic director for Nebraska, Florida, USC, Ohio State, Texas, etc., do you want to take a call from Boise? Would you want to travel to a small stadium of a second league team for a cheap payout and a real risk of a loss? What is the upside to play at Boise State? Schools all across the country watched this game and said, "We will NEVER play there."

More later after I punch a wall.] --kb


John T said...

UFC in the NCAA? It's a new sport and Oregon is leading the way.

Anonymous said...

It is time that the Ducks make a stance for sports and kick Blunt off the team!

We should leave these types of acts up to teams who are coached by Dennis Erickson or Rick Neuheisel…..not the Ducks

That one act will set the stage for the rest of the season. Whenever we will be on TV it will be talked about.

When visiting other stadiums the fans will taunt our players.

Even though Blunt thru the punch we will be taking it on the chin for the rest of the season.

I am disgusted.


Freedom Fighter said...

Blount is getting a bum rap! Obviously the BSU defensive end simply ran up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and said' "Mr. Blount, you can't leave yet. You promised to whoop someone's ass while you were here!"
He didn't want to let them down.