Thursday, September 10, 2009

"You lie!" . . . . POW!

[We may have lost a running back. But through it all, we might have gained a new word in our language.]

Blount blownt n. an act or occasion of punching a person in the face in immediate response of a stupid comment made at a terribly inappropriate time by that person.

Blount v.t. to punch in the face for the specific purpose of immediately responding to an objectionable, inappropriate or otherwise generally turd-headed comment.

Example 1: "She blounted him after he said, 'Yes, those pants do make you look fat.' "

Example 2:

"Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) could have used a good blounting".


Freedom Fighter said...

Objectionable? Inappropriate? Turd headed comments? That perfectly describes the content of Obama's speech! Wilson simply blounted him!

Yeah, that's it, he blounted him. I like that word. Thanks Killer! I think it's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

YOU LIE, Freedom Fighter!